Dr Masemola

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Dr MG Masemola is a Surgeon

who is based full time at Emalahleni Private Hospital (EPH), in addition to sessional work at Louis Pasteur Private (LPH) in Pretoria.




Upper limb– shoulder blade,shoulder,arm,elbow,forearm,  hand fractures and soft tissue injuries

Lower limb– hip,thigh,knee,leg, foot and ankle

Pelvis and acetabulum

Spine– neck(Cervical),thoracic,lower back(Lumbar)

Dr Masemola commits to the provision of excellent support throughout the treatment plan of the patients, to afford them the best quality of life, even post-surgical care.

Did you know?

Arthroscopy- It is also known as ‘keyhole surgery’ because it is minimal invasive surgery,where by small incisions are made around your joint to view it on the camera.The other advantages with it is a short hospital stay and early rehabilitation and return to work.It either be used as a diagnostic or a therapeutic tool. It is mostly used for sports/ligament or menisceal injuries.


Arthritis It is a degenerative joint disease where the joint loses its intergrity,alignment and shock absorbing function. It can either be primary(no possible cause/elderly) or secondary (with a known cause).The causative factors can be an inflammatory condition (Rheumatoid arthtris,Rematika,ankylosing spondylitis,SLE),trauma (cartilage damage,fracture malunion) and infections(Septic arthritis).There are other possible contributing factors like smoking and obesity. The disease can affect any joint in the body like spine,shoulder,hands hips and knees etc.The typical presentation is of joint pain,s,crepitus(noisy joint)stifness after rest or morning and limb malalignment.ts management is pain and inflammatory relief using NSAIDS and analgesics(oral or injections),Improvement of joint function and motion via physiotherapy.The late stage disease  treatment is joint replacement or fusion.

These are physical conditions that you are born with, they can either be on the spine or the limbs. The examples will be extradigits (polydactyly),missing bones (partial or total)on the upper (arm,forearm or hands) or lower limbs (femur,knee cap,leg or foot). Foot conditions like club foot ,flat foot etc are also of common occurance. Surgery is commonly undertaken to improve function or for cosmesis.

These conditions are self explanatory, so does occur during development of oneself. They can be due to internal or external factors i.e hormonal,genetic or repetitive stress to bone.The common condtions are knee bowing (blounts disease) or ‘knee kissing’(genu valgus), bunions (hallux valgus), DDH(developmental dysplasia of the hip) flat femoral head(Perthes), high foot arch(carvovarus) or flat foot (pes planus). Depending on the stage of the disease, most conditions are treated conservatively initially then surgery if all fails.

Dr MG Masemola , Trauma and a General orthopaedic surgeon